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Industry News

3 small print design tips

Update Time : 2015-06-02 View : 4663

上海品茶- Whether it is graphic design or web design, color is always the most important part of the. When we are far from the display, we see not beautiful layout or beautiful pictures, but the color of the web.

上海品茶- About the principle of color, there are many, in this we can not one one, we can look at the relevant design books, is conducive to the understanding of the system. Here we just want to tell you a number of small tips when the color matching.

1 with one color. Here is the first choice of a color, and then adjust the transparency or saturation, so that the page looks like a unified, a sense of hierarchy.

Two with 2 colors. Choose one color and then choose the contrast color..

上海品茶- 3 with one color system. That is simple with a sense of color, such as blue, yellow, light green; or yellowish brown, gray, blue soil. In the color of the page, but also remember some of the errors:

Whether it is graphic design or web design, color is always the most important part of the. When we are far from the display, we see not beautiful layout or beautiful pictures, but the color of the web.

上海品茶- About the principle of color, there are many, in this we can not one one, we can look at the relevant design books, is conducive to the understanding of the system. Here we just want to tell you a number of small tips when the color matching.

上海品茶- 1 with one color. Here is the first choice of a color, and then adjust the transparency or saturation, so that the page looks like a unified, a sense of hierarchy.

上海品茶- Two with 2 colors. Choose one color and then choose the contrast color..

3 with one color system. That is simple with a sense of color, such as blue, yellow, light green; or yellowish brown, gray, blue soil. In the color of the page, but also remember some of the errors:

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Company: Shenzhen jinlicai Printing Co., Ltd
Address: Lijia building, Bagualing 4th Road, Futian District,Shenzhen
Email: 565129393@qq.com
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Person in charge: manager Chen

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