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Shenzhen jinlicai Printing Co., Ltd.

The total machine: 86+755-8260 1982

For mail: 565129393@qq.com

Customer Manager

Chen: 13510901957(Wechat)

Extension: 0755-8260 1982

Q Q: 565129393

Address: jetwebus.com

Industry News
Aluminum and aluminum foil substrate, how to choose?
For transparent ink for gravure printing substrate, in addition to should have meet the gravure printing process of the basic performance, its transparency must be high, otherwise it will cover transparent ink transparency. The transparent substraMore >>
3 small print design tips
Whether it is graphic design or web design, color is always the most important part of the. When we are far from the display, we see not beautiful layout or beautiful pictures, but the color of the web. About the principle of color, there arMore >>
Future packaging and printing prospects
Packaging technology is increasingly recognized by the market, the short version of the printing products, personality packaging printing has become one of the effective tools for the brand business to attract customers. China entered the stage ofMore >>
Introduction of printing
Introduction of printing Author: anonymous source: the original date: 2013-10-10 popularity: 355 1 Definition Printing: y. N Shu. Arts/Graphic Communications Printing:Graphic In the national standard "printing technicMore >>
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Contact us

Company: Shenzhen jinlicai Printing Co., Ltd
Address: Lijia building, Bagualing 4th Road, Futian District,Shenzhen
Email: 565129393@qq.com
Tel: + 86-755-82601982
Mobile: + 86-13510901957
Micro signal: chen565129393
Person in charge: manager Chen

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