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Industry News

Aluminum and aluminum foil substrate, how to choose?

Update Time : 2015-06-02 View : 4776

上海品茶- For transparent ink for gravure printing substrate, in addition to should have meet the gravure printing process of the basic performance, its transparency must be high, otherwise it will cover transparent ink transparency. The transparent substrate for printed gravure ink there is usually a BOPET film, BOPP film, BOPA film etc.. Aluminum and aluminum foil substrate, how to choose?

Transparent ink printing film and composite film is usually VMPET film, VMCPP film etc.. In the choice of such aluminized film, on the aluminized layer thickness also have special requirements, aluminized layer thickness available optical density (OD) to measure, general requirements of aluminized layer OD value of not less than 1.8, otherwise aluminized surface blackening, and transparent ink printing film composite, printing graphic gloss is not enough.

上海品茶- When the transparent ink film and aluminum foil composite, it is required to make aluminum foil and transparent ink film printing film composite, in order to achieve high reflective effect.


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Company: Shenzhen jinlicai Printing Co., Ltd
Address: Lijia building, Bagualing 4th Road, Futian District,Shenzhen
Email: 565129393@qq.com
Tel: + 86-755-82601982
Mobile: + 86-13510901957
Micro signal: chen565129393
Person in charge: manager Chen

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