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Shenzhen jinlicai Printing Co., Ltd.

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Company News

Blew color printing is the most difficult, what kind of color?

Update Time : 2015-06-02 View : 4739

上海品茶- I live in Shenzhen, I saw a lot of different, beautiful Shenzhen print for life adds a lot of brilliant color. So qualified printing products have what characteristics? Popular printing surface is very wide, there are also many problems need to pay attention to, today focus on to talk about, what color is the most difficult to print and design should pay attention to what the elements.

上海品茶- First, the gray balance, according to the experience of theory and production practice, the most difficult to control the color is gray balance. Gray balance is in certain printability under, yellow, magenta, cyan RGB version from shallow to deep according to certain dot percentage combination overprint obtained different brightness of the achromatic (white, light gray, gray, dark gray, black) is obtained visual neutral gray color, many factors can affect, printing ink, paper, full version of density, dot area, overprint and the screen line number, the gray balance have the very complicated, which is a challenge to the machine overprinter precision and operating personnel skill.

Followed by the superposition of several color sites, especially more than 70% outlets. Specifically speaking, dark brown, brown, dark green (flat screen, containing blue 70), deep blue, violet blue due to the presence of color difference, in the printing machine is not easy to find a balance, it is very difficult to color printing.

上海品茶- Again, it is difficult to print the four - color stacked leak empty word. Color too much polar fine, very difficult to print through the printing machine, the gripper is extremely demanding. This is the more common, so the prepress designers before output must check publications documents in black text, especially the small print, is not only a black version, and in the other trichromatic should not appear. If there is a print out of the quality of the product will be greatly reduced, RGB graphics to CMYK graphics, black text will certainly become a black color. Unless otherwise specified, it must be processed..

上海品茶- Last printed in full version, spot color full version or area larger, wrongly written or mispronounced character, the same logo and the same color, general difficult to color with, prone to chromatic aberration, ghost, rubbed against dirty, scratch phenomenon.

In conclusion qualified print must satisfy, overprinter accurate. Second, ink evenly; third, network full; fourth, ink balance; five, printing and non printing fault, such as rubbed against dirty, scratches, flower version, paste version,; six, strictly faithful to the original. We must pursue high quality prints to suit people's growing aesthetic ideas..

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Contact us

Company: Shenzhen jinlicai Printing Co., Ltd
Address: Lijia building, Bagualing 4th Road, Futian District,Shenzhen
Email: 565129393@qq.com
Tel: + 86-755-82601982
Mobile: + 86-13510901957
Micro signal: chen565129393
Person in charge: manager Chen

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